nu är det dags med påkoppling av el. Detta mail fick vi idag och vi undrar om detta verkar rimligt.
"Electricity: there was a debt of 281,41 euros and contract is now off. As we have to contract again, we can avoid paying the debt but we have to get new papers (new electric certificate: around 150 euros + possible works to do if installation is not correct, we should visit the house for this with my electrician) + ask for a new "cedula de habitabilidad" (17,40 euros taxes + papers). Then you should pay a new electric contract with Iberdrola (around 180 euros). As we need the deed to to all this paperwork, we cannot get electricity until you sign the deed (and then we´ll need 2-3 weeks to do everything)"
Vi nämnde att vi hellre ville betala skulden och låta abbonemanget rulla på men det var inget alternativ p g a att skulden var så gammal som två år !!!??? Känns som alla vill tjäna en liten hacka så fort vi gör något.