Varning för falska poliser!


Allmän regel: Om någon ber dig lämna bilen - sitt kvar!

The other day, a senior police officer, Sr. Manuel Piedrabuena, told a police conference about a new activity of robbers on secondary roads.

This information comes from a good policeman who wants people throughout Spain to be aware of what is going on.

It seems that a gang, mainly Rumanian including people from Bulgaria and Poland, are disguising themselves as Guardia Civil, with similar uniforms, tri-corn hats, but non-standard pistols.

They even have cars similar to those of the Guardia Civil.

Because their disguise is not very effective in the light of day, they do their dirty work at night.

They wait until a car appears and stop it at the side of the road.

They say that they are checking for drink driving and the result of their test is always positive even if you have not been drinking. Naturally, most people will challenge this result and that is when their game starts.

They will tell you that perhaps the machine is not working properly but that they have another machine fixed in their car which will determine the result.


As soon as you get into their car they will rob you of everything, money, credit cards, mobile phone and whatever they find in your car. The big problem is that they can use your cards straight away and you can do nothing because they are in control.

The Guardia Civil NEVER ask you to leave your car and they NEVER ask you to take a breathe test in their car.

On some occasions they can be very, very violent.

Be very careful if you are stopped by the Guardia Civil on secondary roads; keep your mobile phone ready so that you can call the POLICE.

If you keep reporting this gang which is causing havoc we will break up the entire organisation and their numbers will be reduced.

We must all watch out and use the power of the internet and the public to fight this threat.

If we allow this gang to get away with it, all the other criminals will be headed for Spain.


Sponsrat inlägg
Vi rekommenderar följande tjänster kring boende och juridik i Spanien. Du förbinder dig inte till något när du använder våra formulär och det kostar inget.
Tack för att ni använder Spanienforum och gör det till en trevlig mötesplats för Spanienfantaster och alla andra!

PS. har fått nya ägare och vi kommer göra en del mindre justeringar under våren 2018. Allt för att forumet ska leva kvar och fortsätta fylla ett bra syfte, för nya medlemmar och såväl för våra forumveteraner. Finns det synpunkter eller idéer så är ni välkomna att maila på [email protected].

Nya trådar
